UPLOAD 1 ::Ubiquitous_IT_Europe_Forum.doc (41.7 KB) | DOWN : 213
UPLOAD 2 :: Ubiquitous_IT_Europe_Forum.pdf (23.3 KB) | DOWN : 213
Invitation to First International Ubiquitous IT Europe Forum in Germany
Ladies and Gentlemen,
in the name of the organizing team of the First International
Ubiquitous IT Europe Forum conference, we would like to invite you to
attend the conference and actively participate in the discussions
accompanying the talks.
We are sure that your expertise in the area will be a very valuable
contribution to the conference and will allow for many fruitful
interactions with the speakers and other participants.
You can register for the conference at no charge by following the Registration link at the conference website, located at http://www.ubiforum.eu.
If you cannot attend, feel free to let us know which person of your
team or organization might be able and willing to participate. It is
our goal to make the Ubiquitous IT Europe Forum Conference a lively
setting where fruitful interactions will happen.
Please, find the call for papers attached at the end of this e-mail for more information on the conference.
Do not hesitate to ask myself or any of the organization members anything about the conference by sending an e-mail to pjmarron@cs.uni-bonn.de.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Bonn in March!
Best regards,
Prof. Dr. Pedro Jose Marron and Schinsu Bae
In the name of the Ubiquitous IT Europe Forum Team